Mid-career recruitment

We are actively recruiting mid-career professionals for a wide range of positions.
For more information, please contact us at the e-mail address below.
We look forward to receiving applications from those who share our corporate motto, "Mutual Respect And Cooperation.

Contact us

email address t-saiyo@tachi-s.co.jp

Human Resource Planning Section, Human Resource Development Promotion Department

List of Available Positions


Job Title: Design position Work Location: Tokyo,Aichi
Job Title: Experimental Work Work Location: Tokyo
Job Title: Production Engineering Work Location: Tokyo, Saitama
Job Title: Production management position Work Location: At each plant in Japan
Job Title: Quality Control Staff Domestic Plants,Facilities management position Work Location: At domestic plants
Job Title: Manufacturing jobs Work Location: At various plants in Japan


Job Title: Sales Representative Work Location: Tokyo,Aichi
Job Title: Procurement Work Location: Tokyo
Job Title: Finance Work Location: Tokyo
Job Title: Legal Jobs Work Location: Tokyo
Job Title: Human Resources Work Location: Tokyo
Job Title: General Affairs Work Location: Tokyo
Job Title: In-House SE Job Work Location: Tokyo

*Please note that some positions may be closed at the time of application. Please understand this in advance.

Recruitment selection process

Document screening
(please send resume and work history by e-mail)
1st round (Web-based personal interview)
Interviewer: Department manager,  Human Resource Development Promotion Department recruiting manager
Final selection (web-based or face-to-face personal interview)
Interviewers: Division director, Human Resource Development Promotion Department director
Unofficial offer

※Application email address

Contact us